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5 WordPress Security Practices To Watch Out For In 2018

5 WordPress Security Practices to Watch Out For in 2021

Looking for easy WordPress security practices?

Here is an AWESOME list of 5 WordPress Security Practices you can do right away.

WordPress being an open source screen platform has been the first preference for most website owners. With that comes the added threat to the security of WordPress website security. As a website owner, you are struggling to make your WordPress website stand out in the crowd and be secured at all times.

There is certainly no denying that it has become an indispensable part of our lives. However, the threat to security has been and continues to be a major botheration for WordPress website owners. Even though WordPress struggles to work on making its platforms safer for its users, there’s a lot that falls under our responsibility as users too. As a website owner, it’s important to secure your website (asset) the same way you would secure your physical assets(House).

Mostly because, data loss or data breach from our website would hurt us the most, irrespective of who was in charge of its security. Safety measures would ensure the protection of your initial and future investments for your website.

What happens when you take your WordPress security for granted?

  • Crucial data of your website is at risk.
  • Your reputation can go for a toss beyond repair.
  • Your website can become the source for malware distribution.
  • It will gradually cost you, in terms of customer relationships and then revenue.

Even though some basic security measures are in place by default from WordPress, it’s not much that is expected from a security plugin. The best WordPress plugins deliver these features: –

  • File & Malware scanning
  • Firewalls
  • Post hack actions
  • Active security and blacklist monitoring
  • Notifications that come when a threat is detected at your end.
  • And some more

Before going in further in your attempt at securing your WordPress website, ask yourself what are you willing to keep it protected? Are you willing to customize the security settings for your website? It’s time you understand the risks attached to ignoring your WordPress best security practices. Here are 5 foolproof security practices you should be taking as preventive steps in order to secure your WordPress website: –

Easy WordPress Security Practices

Ensure if you are taking backups frequently – Easy WordPress Security Practices

This is the most obvious of all other tips suggested for website protection on WordPress. No matter how secure you are, there is no loss in having a back-up in case of a what-if situation. Having the backup will allow you to restore your website into its glory as and when required.

You need to understand that your backup forms the first line of defense for your website. Set up your backup on regular intervals or make use of plugins for automated backups instead.

Make it a point to keep your website updated – Easy WordPress Security Practices

As a website owner you must be aware and irritated by the multiple new updates in WordPress that pop up for you. Even though they can be really bothersome, they solve a purpose. There were multiple loopholes in the older version of WordPress, both you and the hacker are aware of them.

It becomes easier to break in when they know the loopholes in your version. This is why it is so important to always use the latest versions, plugins and themes. These updates will fix the existing bugs that might harass your website.

2-factor authentication is a must – Easy WordPress Security Practices

Website owners commit the silliest of mistakes when it comes to deciding on their passwords. Using Admin in your username would rank at the top though. You are making the hackers job easy while using such predictable usernames and password.

However, many website owners are working up their password game with complex usernames and passwords. But sadly, smart hackers are still managing to decode passwords with their experience and research on your profile. Using a 2-factor authentication reduces this risk by adding multiple layers of protection for you.

The odds of the hacker being lucky twice are very less. 2-Factor authentication is becoming an industry norm and ensures 2 levels of authentication. The user is required to provide authentication for 2 different components. The website owner has to decide on what those components are going to be. It could be a password and secret question or a set of codes or characters.

Your plugins from your known resources only – Easy WordPress Security Practices

Plugins can be used for multiple tasks on your website, including your security. Install plugins that will oversee suspicious activity and keep vulnerable areas of the website secured. By now you understand which plugins are of premium quality and are overpriced.

They are overpriced because of the extra value they provide, in comparison to others in the marketplace. Never buy a premium plugin, when it is for free. There are high chances, it’s a malicious plugin that will corrupt your website’s security.

One of the best features of WordPress is its access to a big mine of plugins. It has more than 50,000 plugins. However, always check for reviews and support help before downloading a plugin at your end. Always make sure you download plugins from known sources to avoid the risk of downloading a Trojan.

Reduce the number of login attempts – Easy WordPress Security Practices

The right user can log in into the website using a maximum of 3-4 login attempts. The chances of someone who is trying to hack into your website by guessing the password should be reduced. This will ensure unwarranted users do not get to guess your password and log in.

This will provide another extra level of protection for your website. Having a lock-down feature after failed attempts can become your savior in such instances. This will ensure the site gets locked when multiple wrong attempts are made into logging in into your website.

Additionally, the website owner is notified of unauthorized attempts on their website. But always ensure you use a strong password and use HTTP authentication to block forced authentication.

Even though this list will be extremely helpful in securing your WordPress website, always be updated of latest plugins in the market. The internet is taking the world by a storm, it’s up to you how effectively you use it. There are advanced and better functioning plugins and practices that come up in the marketplace every so often.

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