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8 Proven Tips To Make Your WordPress Blog Popular

8 Proven Tips to Make Your WordPress Blog Popular

Want to make your WordPress blog popular?

Want to make your WordPress Blog Popular? The digital world is getting more crowded with each passing day. It’s a great thing that more people are understanding the importance of digital assets. It’s not uncommon to hear from others that they have their own website. People are making their own websites to share their ideas, opinions and thoughts.

However, have you ever wondered why just a very few people make it big with their websites? Given the fact, that there are more websites, the number of successful websites should be more too. The significant gap lies, as most website owners do not understand the nuances as good as the others.

WordPress makes for one of those extremely popular blogging platforms. Its user-friendliness and simplicity attracts many bloggers to make it their preferred platform. With this popularity, WordPress faces security threats to fight too. But the struggle doesn’t stop at just making a blog on WordPress.

You need to make your blog famous, get it noticed to achieve what you want. Many bloggers quit writing just because they do not know how to populate their blogs. This is most certainly disheartening but is absolutely doable with these crafted tips.

Here are 8 proven tips to make your WordPress blog popular:

1. Select a Niche you can stick to – Make Your WordPress Blog Popular

It is most certainly very attractive to be writing about a spectrum of topics that you know about. You want to share the knowledge you have and are boastful about the versatile nature of yours. However, this doesn’t give you the right results in the long run. Audience lookout for a specific genre that they can connect to. It confuses them too. It is highly difficult for one individual to be an expert at dancing, digital marketing and gardening, all at the same time. Select a niche that you are comfortable and interested in. Gradually shift to similar niches that are connected to it.

2. Make the right friendships, that counts – Make Your WordPress Blog Popular

It is a lot like the real world. The eyeballs you get when you sip a coffee with a local celebrity is something similar to getting a comment from one on your blog. People and audiences in general, judge you by whom you know in the blogosphere. Find out the best bloggers in your niche, connect with them and make genuine relationships. You can comment and share your thoughts on their posts to have their attention. It would mean a great deal when one of them comments on your best blogs for your readers to see.

3. Join support groups – Make Your WordPress Blog Popular

This is a very old school and basic strategy to gain speedy popularity. Participate in blog carnivals as this will get you more visitors instantly. All you have to do is write on a topic that’s comfortable to you and submit it to the carnival host. It is like an expert round up and then gradually gets posted on the host’s page.

If the host is an authority in your industry, this can do great promotion for you. It talks about your command on the subject and gets you visitors from other sources too. Blogging support communities can help you find blogs that are similar to yours.

4. Give your blog access to visitors – Make Your WordPress Blog Popular

If you write blogs that are filled with relevant information about a particular niche, it’s easy for you to have visitors wanting to check it. This is a very organic way of having newer visitors on your website. But for that to happen, you need to make use of a plugin to make a preview image of your post. This will not only make it better than bland text links but also keep the reader curious with just a brief glance at your post.

5. Make sure you contribute outside of your blogs – Make Your WordPress Blog Popular

It might seem like you are doing a great job by not sharing from your vast knowledge bank, but it isn’t. Your audience notices when you contribute on other sites. Guest blogging is a great way to prove your authority on the topic, on websites of your genre. Not only that, it works in your favor if the host website already has a lot of audiences that is active.

Popular guest blogging sites, allow the writer to add an introduction of him/herself on the post. Some of them might also allow a link within the lost or in the introduction section. When a certain new reader likes your posts, he knows where to find you.

6. Make connections and interact with your readers – Make Your WordPress Blog Popular

You write for your reader’s approval and appreciation, at least most writers do. This is why it is extremely important to know what they think of you. Not only will this help you make connections with them but also improve your writing. Make sure you write content that connects with them and instigates them to connect with you. Respond to their queries and listen to what they have to say in the comments section. It shows you care about them and what they think of you.

7. Ensure your posts can be shared – Make Your WordPress Blog Popular

Chances are, your audience loves your blog as it has everything she wanted to know about. What’s the most next obvious thing to do? Share it in a community that she knows will appreciate the information that comes in handy. Usually, good posts, get a lot of response and shares.

It shows the reader has a good taste and preferences. But for all this to happen, the option of sharing should be available. Make your blog post share-worthy and sharable on other social media platforms.

8.Have a strong call-to-action – Make Your WordPress Blog Popular

What’s the intention of your blog? You either want people to buy a certain product or just want newer people to come into your website. At the end of your great blog, your audience is probably inspired and captivated by what he/she had to read. This is when you ask them to take the next logical step. Make them do what you had in mind while starting the blog. It could be taking a subscription, paying for a charity or starting a course.

In Conclusion – Make Your WordPress Blog Popular

Follow these tips and keep a step-wise check on WordPress security and your blogs will shine in no time. Tell me in the comments section if you had more tips that helped you rev up your social media game.

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