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Supreme Solutions To Leverage WordPress Site Traffic

Supreme Solutions to Leverage WordPress Site Traffic

3. Create Interesting Headlines

Any content producer will tell you that headlines are tremendously important for attracting the attention of visitors because they entice them to click on them and visit your blog.

With an overwhelming amount of information out there, people typically spend a couple of seconds to look at them (in many cases, even less than that), so an enticing headline is one of the best marketing weapons that you have to compete with other content producers.

Therefore, you need to know how to create compelling headlines before you start writing articles. Here are some tips for you, as provided by Diana Kanter, a professional blogger from Trust My Paper:

  • Refer to readers in your headlines, e.g. use “you” and “your” a lot where it’s applicable
  • Use promising words like “free,” “easy,” “better,” etc.
  • Use numbers, e.g. “5 Things You Should Say to Your Loved One Right Now,” “4 Signs He’s Cheating on You,” “8 Things You Need to Know about the New iPhone,” etc.

Having headlines written according to these tips gives you a good chance to grab the attention of people and encourage them to take action.

4. Link Between Posts

Internal linking, the process of internally linking articles on a blog, is a good way to maximize the effectiveness of your content; for example, by inserting links to other content pieces or product pages, you can increase the time people spend on your blog and raise more awareness of your content, product, or services.

If you learn how to use internal linking on your blog, you’ll become a better blogger and retain visitors more effectively. Let’s explain.

  • Internal linking makes visitors spend more time on your website and explore it. Have many times have you clicked on “Similar Products” button on Amazon or another online store?

    Chances are you’ve done that at least a few times, and this is a perfect example of how internal links can convince visitors to explore more.

    So, try adding links to other content appropriately and naturally to answer more questions that your visitors might have.
  • Internal linking has SEO implications. For example, having internal links allows to increase traffic by having people visit more pages on your blog; moreover, a lack of them may even hinder Google from searching and ranking it.

    Many beginner bloggers make a mistake of focusing too much on external linking (linking to other, reputable websites), which limits the ability of their blog to rank.

5. Collect Emails of Visitors with Special Tools

One of the main reasons people land on your website is to get quality information about something.

For example, if you’re running a cooking blog, most of your visitors come for new recipes, facts about ingredients, and other information related to cooking.

Email marketing is an excellent way to supply them with new content and alert them when a new piece is published.

That’s why so many blogs have a newsletter signup form. By having visitors provide their emails, they can supply them with fresh content and share their promotional materials and offers.

Since emails allow to contact customers directly, they are one of the most important communication channels with customers; in fact, they have the highest ROI among popular marketing channels.

However, getting someone to subscribe to a newsletter on your blog is the hardest part. People want relevant, interesting, personalized, and useful content, so if you fail to provide that, they’ll leave.

That’s why it’s recommended to become more experienced with content writing and conduct thorough research of the target audience to understand what content is interesting to them.

As a result, you’ll increase the chances that the subscribers will stay with you and think of you as a reliable content provider as well an authority in your market niche.

So, consider adding a newsletter sign up for your blog when your content plan is up and running, and nurture your leads by supplying them with awesome content.

6. Optimize for Speed and Mobile

It’s a known fact that a lot of people use smartphones to surf the Internet; in fact, mobile traffic first overtook mobile traffic in 2016 and continues to grow every week.

If a person visits a mobile-friendly blog with a responsive design, they will have the best possible experience viewing and reading the content regardless of the screen size.

On the other hand, desktop-first websites don’t deliver a positive experience for mobile users, so a lot of them choose to abandon a non-optimized website shortly after landing there.

On top of that, Google has recently released the so-called Mobile First Indexing update that prioritizes websites with responsive designs.

Therefore, it’s completely unreasonable for websites today to be optimized for desktops only.

If your WordPress has a responsive design, you’re maximizing the quality of user experience, therefore have the best chance of making the visitors stay and interact with your content.

Another important consideration is the speed. Internet users are pretty impatient, and they’re not going to wait if your page fails to load after a few seconds.

Besides, Google also seeks to provide its users with friction-less experience, so making appropriate investments in the speed of your blog will go a long way in improving your blog’s ranking.

On top of that, not a lot of people will want to wait until it loads fully, so you won’t attract a lot of attention to your content with a slow website.

Indeed, this could lead to an opposite effect and discourage people from ever visiting your blog.

7. Share Posts on Social Media

This is an excellent strategy for increasing the visibility of your content and attracting quality traffic.

Every content piece you create should be shared on social media to let your followers know about it. If you share content they’re interested in, they would be much more willing to share it, thus helping to deliver that much-needed stream of visitors.

Keep in mind that your social media posts should also follow a certain schedule. For example, studies suggest that posts published on Tuesday and Thursday perform better than on the other days, but this rule surely doesn’t apply to every blog.

There’s no universal formula on the best posting times, so you can begin by doing test shares on certain days and monitor the performance using Google Analytics. For a blogger, posting at least two times per week is recommended for keeping readers engaged.

So, here are some of the most important considerations when it comes to sharing blog content on social media:

  • Use visuals. Every post you make has to have a visual – an image, an infographic, or a video – to be more compelling to viewers.
  • Interact with those who engaged with your posts. Reply to comments and share your knowledge with others, and more people will be much more willing to visit your blog and connect with you.
  • Test posting times and define what works best for you
  • Use selling opportunities; for example, shoppable posts on Instagram represent an excellent opportunity to raise awareness of your products, answer questions about them, and improve sales.

8. Consider Writing Evergreen Content

Evergreen content is defined as content that stays relevant for a long period of time. For example, the news is a perfect example of content that gets irrelevant very fast; an article about Google opening a new campus will stay relevant for a week, maybe two.

However, an article on how to make bolognese sauce can generate traffic for a long time because the essential recipe of the sauce stays the same.

Here are some ways in which posts can help to improve the performance of your marketing campaigns:

  • Regular traffic. Evergreen traffic is more likely to be discovered regardless of the time period, so it’ll continue to attract visitors even if you posted it a year ago.
  • Reduced workload. A lot of bloggers try to publish content every day to make their way to the first page of Google results, which means a lot of work and effort.

    To make sure that you have an opportunity to rest or do other important things, choose an evergreen niche for your blog as well.

Therefore, you should think about evergreen content options for the topic of your blog.

For example, the best approach to make your way here is to write content targeted for beginners.

Let’s suppose you’re running a wine blog. In this case, you have a lot of options; for example, you can write guides on wine regions, specific grapes, tasting tips, and other things that people beginning their way in the wine world are looking to know.

In fact, many wine bloggers create eBooks, videos, and long-form articles for beginners that can be downloaded/read/watched by beginners to learn new, useful knowledge.

Pro tip: to maximize the benefits from evergreen content, you shouldn’t let it unchanged for a long time. For example, if you wrote a piece about a wine region in South America, you should regularly check for new knowledge about that.

Maybe you’ll find some updated information about that region which you’ll use to replace the existing one.

Then, you can share it on social media and let your followers know that they can read updated info.

As a result, you can reduce the time you work on your posts as well as maximizing its potential to gain more eyeballs.

Wrapping Up – Leverage WordPress Site Traffic

WordPress makes it easy to start a blog, but attracting visitors there takes a lot of work on your side. Fortunately, there are many ways to achieve this goal, and you can gradually learn how to take advantage of them and build a successful blog.

Keep in mind that blogging is a long-term strategy, not a short-term project, so success will come if you stay true to these techniques and regularly find ways to improve your content, which is your main asset.

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