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Cleaning Up the Mess: A Step-by-Step Guide to WordPress Infection Removal

Cleaning Up the Mess: A Step-by-Step Guide to WordPress Infection Removal


WordPress is one of the most widely used platforms for building websites, and it powers approximately 35% of all sites on the internet. Its popularity, however, also makes it a prime target for hackers and Malware infections. If your WordPress site has been infected, it is important to act quickly to remove the infection and secure your website. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide to clean up your WordPress site and get it back on track. We will also address some commonly asked questions regarding WordPress infection removal.

Step 1: Identify the Infection:

The first step in the cleanup process is to identify the infection. Some common signs of a WordPress infection include unexpected redirects, spammy links, slower website performance, and even the complete takeover of your site. To confirm whether your site has been infected, you can use online malware scanning tools like WP Fix it SiteCheck or VirusTotal. These tools will scan your website for malware and provide you with a report of any detected infections.

Step 2: Backup Your Site:

Before you make any changes to your infected WordPress site, it is crucial to back up all your files and databases. This prevents the loss of any potentially important data during the cleanup process. Most Hosting providers offer backup services, or you can use plugins like UpdraftPlus or BackupBuddy to create a backup of your site. Store the backup in a secure location to ensure you can restore your site if anything goes wrong during the cleanup.

Step 3: Take Your Site Offline:

To prevent further damage and protect your visitors, it is advisable to take your infected WordPress site offline temporarily. You can do this by enabling maintenance mode or redirecting all traffic to a static HTML page. This way, visitors won’t be exposed to any potential malware threats while you are cleaning up your site.

Step 4: Update WordPress and Plugins:

Outdated WordPress core files and plugins are often the gateway for hackers to infiltrate your website. Therefore, it is crucial to update both WordPress and its plugins to their latest versions. This step eliminates known vulnerabilities and provides added security to your site. You can update WordPress and plugins manually, or you can use plugins like Easy Updates Manager or WP Updates Settings to simplify the process.

Step 5: Identify and Remove Infected Files:

Once you have updated WordPress and plugins, it is time to locate and remove the infected files. This can be done manually by using an FTP client like FileZilla to access your site’s directories. Look for suspicious files or folders with unfamiliar names, as these are likely the malware files. You can also use security plugins like Wordfence or WP Fix it to scan and detect malicious files automatically. Remember to delete these files completely from your server.

Step 6: Scan for Database Infections:

Malware infections can also reside within your WordPress database. To ensure complete cleanup, use plugins like WP Scanner or WP Fix it to scan and remove any malicious code within your database. These plugins will scan your database tables and identify any suspicious entries, allowing you to clean them up effectively.

Step 7: Strengthen Security Measures:

After cleaning up an infected WordPress site, it’s crucial to strengthen your site’s security to prevent future infections. Start by changing all passwords, including those for your WordPress admin account, FTP, and database. Choose strong, unique passwords for each. Additionally, consider installing a security plugin like Wordfence, WP Fix it, or iThemes Security. These plugins offer features like malware scanning, firewall protection, and login limiting to protect your site against future attacks.


Q1: Can I clean up my infected WordPress site without professional help?
A: Yes, you can clean up your infected WordPress site without professional help by following the step-by-step guide provided in this article. However, if you lack technical expertise or are unsure about any step, it is always recommended to seek professional assistance to ensure thorough cleanup.

Q2: How can I prevent my WordPress site from getting infected again?
A: To prevent future infections, you should keep your WordPress core, themes, and plugins up to date, regularly scan your site for vulnerabilities, use strong passwords, and implement a robust security plugin.

Q3: What should I do if my site has been blacklisted by search engines?
A: If your site has been blacklisted by search engines, you should clean up the malware, strengthen your site’s security measures, and then submit a reconsideration request to the search engine. They will review your site and remove it from the blacklist if they find it clean and secure.

Q4: Are there any specific tips to strengthen WordPress security?
A: Apart from updating your WordPress, plugins, and themes, you should install a reputable security plugin, limit login attempts, use two-factor authentication, regularly backup your site, and restrict access to important files and directories.


Cleaning up a WordPress site after an infection can be a daunting task, but by following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can efficiently remove malware and secure your website. Remember to regularly update your site, implement robust security measures, and stay vigilant to minimize the risk of reinfection. By being proactive and taking appropriate security measures, you can keep your WordPress site safe and minimize the damage caused by potential Malware infections.

Post Summary:

WordPress is a popular platform for building websites, but it is also a target for hackers and malware. This article provides a step-by-step guide to help clean up an infected WordPress site. The steps include identifying the infection, backing up the site, taking the site offline, updating WordPress and plugins, removing infected files, scanning for database infections, and strengthening security measures. The article also answers frequently asked questions about cleaning up infected sites, preventing future infections, dealing with blacklisting by search engines, and strengthening WordPress security. By following these steps and taking precautions, users can effectively clean up their infected sites and protect against future infections.

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