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WordPress Duplicate Content Issues And How To Fix Them

WordPress Duplicate Content Issues and How to Fix Them

Need to fix WordPress duplicate content issues?

Having WordPress as your content management system (CMS) is definitely a wise decision that will make your life as a blogger and business owner easier. In most of the cases, the best SEO practices are already implemented with the platform’s responsiveness and its unprecedented optimization versatility.

As a matter of fact, WordPress now runs more than 30% of the pages from the entire internet!

This is because with WordPress, businesses and bloggers can create their own unique DIY experiences.

As a CMS, WordPress also allows you to incorporate plugins and tools that will help you enhance content practices even more.

However, as the content management process became easier, the possibility to have a duplicate content problem in your WordPress site is more present than ever.

Content duplication can be one of the leading reasons why your site doesn’t rank well in search engines and why users can decide to abandon your blog and look for content somewhere else.

If you don’t want to leave anything to chance and improve your WordPress site by solving duplicate content issues, prepare to learn more about the problem and how to avoid it successfully.

⚡️What Is WordPress Duplicate Content?

WordPress Duplicate Content Issues And How To Fix Them

To put it simply, WordPress duplicate content is any copy from one page that completely matches or is remarkably similar to other copy from another page of your WordPress website.

Or a content that is the same but with different URLs.

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  • This is a helpful guide. This is the most common scenarios when you meet duplicate issues It’s nice that you have a detailed discussion and solution on how to fix them. I do actually notice this one when you’re handling an ecommerce site especially those having thousands of pages.


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