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My ScalaHosting Review and Why I Would Trust My Kids With Them

Here is my ScalaHosting Review by Jarrett Gucci

So first let me start by introducing myself. My name is Jarrett Gucci and I am the Founder and Owner of WP Fix It. I really hope the title of this article grabbed your attention a bit.

It is a very meaningful title to me as I am the father of 5 daughters ranging in age from 9 year old twins all the way up to a 22 year old nursing graduate.

ScalaHosting Review
Thanksgiving 2019

I treasure my daughters greatly and when I sat here and thought how could I really express to the readers how much I trust this hosting company I am about to write about, it was easy.

I would simply say that I WOULD TRUST MY KIDS WITH Scala Hosting. Yes I really would and I will explain why I would trust my most precious gifts in life with a hosting company.

🤪Do not think I am crazy… not yet anyways.

It all began back in January of 2019 when we decided as a company to increase the value of our service offerings we were going to get into the hosting business.

At the time we had been using SiteGround for our hosting platform and the company that we would recommend to any WordPress users that wanted a good referral to a good web hosting company.

They did not have a very good white label reseller program for hosting so we decided to look elsewhere and landed at Amazon using their Lightsail technology.

Initially we were drawn to this platform because of the flexibility in completely rebranding to match our company. But oh wow we had no idea what was in store for us over the next couple years.

Now let’s fast forward to the summer of 2021 when Amazon had a massive outage which took down the 300+ websites that we had on their platform.

We did have redundant backups in place but these were also affected by the Amazon outage. Needless to say we had a mass panic of our customers which took their websites completely offline and their data vanished.

Me as an owner of an online e-commerce business and fully dependent on the website to feed my family I was in total shock of what was happening and felt horrible for our customers.

With the help of some hired server engineers and minimal support from Amazon over a two-week, we were able to recover all of the websites and get them back up and running.

This hosting fiasco cost about $8,000 to remedy. An expense that was not passed down to our customers and was paid out of pocket buy WP Fix It.

I would have paid more just to ensure that our customers would get their websites and data back online and functioning so they could be back in business.

It was such a relief to get to a happy conclusion here but I must say that those few weeks was the worst professional time period in my life.

After this happened I carefully thought through and made the decision to get out of the hosting business and get back to focusing on what we do best which is WordPress support.

This decision was easy to come to but the actual process of communicating this to our hosting customers was a little bit harder to strategize.

In the end we decided to continue our hosting offering but we needed to find a better platform to ensure that what happened in the past would never happen again.

I spent a good three weeks researching hosting companies in which I was already familiar with and many which I never heard of and came across a diamond in the rough call ScalaHosting.

Now before I dive into the meat and potatoes of the story I just want to share with you the huge list of accolades and awards that Scala Hosting has received recently.

🥇ScalaHosting Awards and Reviews

ScalaHosting Review

OK here we go…😎

In the beginning of 2022, we pulled the trigger to use ScalaHosting for all of our WordPress hosting clients.

This was one of those business decisions you do not realize at the time that it will have massive long term benefits.

I quickly started seeing that all the hosting environment issues I had at in the past did not exist with ScalaHosting.

My favorite thing was the their insanely fast support response.

Let me say that again they have an unbelievable insane out of this world hold on to your shorts response time. TIME IS MONEY right!!!


ScalaHosting is also on the cutting edge of changing technology and how we use a hosting control panel with their own proprietary sPanel which is a lightweight feature rich alternative to cPanel.

The best part is that it does not come with the high licensing price tag of cPanel.

It’s been a good solid four months of using their platform and pretty much interacting with their support staff almost everyday and I could go on and on and on about how refreshing it is that I’ve decided to put all my trust and faith into what they are building and how they are helping people be more successful online.

So in conclusion I want to share with you something that they are doing that no other hosting company out there is.

ScalaHosting has structured their pricing in a way that they are delivering virtual private server hosting at the cost of shared hosting.

🙋‍♀️ What does this mean exactly?

In a shared hosting environment your website is on a server with hundreds or even thousands of other websites.

Depending on the traffic security and just overall functionality of each of these websites on the server, it could impact the performance of your website.

VPS (virtual private server) hosting combines features of both shared and dedicated hosting, designed for those whose sites have outgrown the limitations of a shared hosting environment.

This hybrid model uses a form of virtual technology called hypervisor to partition a single server into multiple independent spaces, or virtual machines, each with its own operating system and infrastructure.

Although each VPS site on the server operates in isolation, it receives an allocation of the server’s shared resources, which are distributed among all the sites using that server.

A user’s virtual machine can be used to host a single company website, or to host multiple websites under a single account – a strategy that might be used by startup web hosting companies for hosting the sites of multiple customers.

But, all sites hosted by an individual virtual machine must still draw a share from the available resources of the single hosting server.

In this way, virtual private server hosting allows users to configure and manage sites independently, as with a dedicated server, but at a much lower cost.

In a VPS hosting environment, users can enjoy complete control over virtually all aspects of a site’s features and functions, with better performance and scalability than shared hosting.

For many businesses, VPS hosting services may have all the features needed to accommodate growth, without the need for “upgrading” to dedicated hosting at all.

The majority of WordPress websites are being hosted in a shared environment because these are the hosting plans that are marketed at a very affordable price and has an entry level cost-effective strategy for users.

The major downside with shared hosting is security and performance.

ScalaHosting has bridged the gap between affordability and performance.

ScalaHosting Review

I said it earlier in this post and I will say it again that they are doing something that no other hosting company is, which is offering a VPS hosting environment for the cost of shared hosting.

Over the years, I have worked with all the major web hosts and many of the small ones and what I see most often is when a customer needs to ask a host something, the wait time is out of control.

ScalaHosting has two ways to contact them for support.

They offer live chat or ticket system. I personally never use a phone option for support. I always create a support ticket so that way I can reference back any info within that ticket that helps to answer my question.

The response time on thee tickets is BLAZING FAST. I believe the longest I have ever had to wait for an initial reply was 5 minutes. If that is not reactive support then I have no idea what is.

You really do not want to be a situation where your site is down and you need host intervention but it will take 30 or more minutes to simply work through the support que.


I just wanted to share my ScalaHosting story with others and stress the fact that I have worked with the majority of hosting companies and would not recommend any other company for simple reason that I have found ScalaHosting to satisfy the needs that both myself and all of my past clients have had to make sure their site is functional and loading as it should all the time online.

Share some of your own Scala Hosting thoughts below in the comments…

ScalaHosting Review

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