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Picking WordPress Hosting

3 Deal Breakers When Picking WordPress Hosting

Need help in picking WordPress hosting?

WHAT A TOPIC HERE!!!! This is probably the biggest question WordPress users ask. “What is the best way to Picking WordPress Hosting?” Your hosting company is such an important decision. This is the foundation of your site and the place it reside and gets served to the web. Making the wrong choice when picking WordPress hosting can lead to a whole chain of future issues on your site.

3 Deal Breakers When Picking WordPress Hosting

Now there are sooo many choices out there this decision could literally drive you crazy. Some of the largest social community threads we have seen over the years about WordPress is from the people that asked publicly “who is the best host for WordPress”. Well first off, there is no “BEST”.

Yes I know you will have others tell you that their host is soooo good and better than having GOD host your site. Don’t believe the hype. We want to make this simple. If you are in the middle of picking WordPress hosting, we want to give to 3 things that are complete deal breakers and you should run the other way.


Can The Host Even Support WordPress Hosting Requirements?
Yep, WordPress has certain needs that the server and database must be in order to run at it’s fullest potential.  Take a look at the link below for this full list of requirements to make sure you have the proper server environment for your site.

Ask for it before your sign up

Here’s a letter you can send to your host. Just copy and paste it!

I’m interested in running the open-source WordPress web software and I was wondering if my account supported the following:

  • PHP 7 or greater
  • MySQL 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB 10.0 or greater
  • The mod_rewrite Apache module
  • HTTPS support



Is The Host Transparent About Hosting Costs?
Be very inquisitive about the costs you will take on when you select your hosting plan. Many hosts like to bundle hosting plans for a low monthly fee and make them look very attractive. Then after you may quickly learn that there are additional fees for items like daily backup, security scan, additional space or bandwidth and other services that can possibly be standard at another host.

Main thing you want to do if you are interested in a hosting company is contact them and give them an idea of the type of site you wish to host and allow them to select the best plan for that type of site. Them ask them to clarify any additional charges you may be required to pay once your site is hosted with them.


Does The Host Have 24/7 Support For Questions About Your Site?
This is actually the biggest deal breaker. Since we do WordPress support all day long here, we often have to communicate with the hosting company of our customers and you would not believe how many hosts have closed support hours or not there on weekends. Imagine your website is your livelihood and the server it is hosted on goes down.

Well hopefully you select a host that you can contact 24/7 for support. If not, bad news bears. You can even take this a step further and make sure they have an actual phone # you can call and then ask how long is the average wait time.

We actually find that hosting companies that have a support ticket are faster to respond than on the phone. It also allows you to have a record of the support for future reference or to execute any instructions you might need to in order to get your site running smooth again. SUPPORT SUPPORT SUPPORT and FAST!!!!

So these are our top 3 things that should be immediately deal breakers when picking WordPress hosting. The main thing to remember is to do your homework and DO NOT shop based on cost alone.

Cheaper is not better in this world and going back to hosting being the foundation of your site, if you are serious about it find the right hosting plan to meet your needs.

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