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Kiss – Keep It Super Simple 5-wordpress Blogging Basics

KISS – Keep It Super Simple 5-WordPress Blogging Basics

As Bloggers we are all trying to get an edge on the web with our content and sometimes we over complicate the process.  We get hung up on Search Engine Optimization, page weight, image names, length of post and a number of other things.

I know for certain from my own experience that I have been able to create a handful of posts that get huge amounts of traffic each, and all I did was the basics.

I am a big fan of using all the tools that are out there to give my content an edge but what if we took a different tactic to Blogging and just concentrated on the BASICS first before we did all the other things?

Below is my list of 5 Blogging Basics that I think should be done first with every post.

1. Write unique and engaging content

One of the biggest struggles for Bloggers who are pushing for growth is the ability to publish unique content. With millions of other blogs out there it can seem at times that every worthwhile topic has already been sufficiently covered.

Quality, original content is one of the biggest factors in blogging success. Take a look at the blogs you read on a daily basis. Most likely you choose to read them because you like the articles they provide that you can’t get at other blogs.

Of course, not every post you publish has to be ground-breaking. However, you do need to separate yourself from other bloggers in order to attract and keep readers.

Here are 13 ways you can create unique content that will help you to stand out.

2. Create post titles that attract and explain what it’s about

You’ve just spent a ton of time putting together your latest blog article, and now it’s finally time to launch it. You know the quality is there, but how can you possibly summarize the entire thing into a one line title?

How are you going to make the perfect elevator pitch for your article?

Hold on a second, take some deep cleansing breathes, let’s take a look at some ways to make titles really grab the attention of your audience.

Download 102 Proven Headline Formulas

3. Make Social Share options available (Facebook, Twitter and so on)

Now a days on the web, it’s not just about reading your content, it’s about getting others to read it and using your audience to do it with social share buttons from popular sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and so on.
Best Facebook Share Plugins for WordPress
Best Twitter Share Plugins for WordPress
Best LinkedIn Share Plugins for WordPress

4. Use WordPress built in tools (ping list, tags, permalink structure)

WordPress is so powerful for Blogging mainly because of the functions that are built right into it.  One of these power features is called Pinging.  Please SEE THIS POST for details on this process.

Another power feature is Permalink Structure.  This is the actual address of each and every piece of content inside your Blog.  You can learn more about Permalink Structure and what is the best way to set it up HERE.

Lastly WordPress has a tool built in for each Blog Post called Post Tags.  This is VERY POWERFUL for getting your posts to ranking higher in the search engines.  Learn more about Worpress Post Tags HERE.

5. Hot linking in posts to other content

So when you were reading this post did you notice all the underlined colored words?  These are Hot Links and they are very useful for both sending reading to other related content in your Blog and for the search engines to crawl and get you to that sweet spot we all call “1st Page”.  Learn how to create  Hot Links for your Blog.

Follow these 5 basics first before you complicate your blogging process with other tools.


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