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How To Boost WordPress Conversions With Influencer Content

How to Boost WordPress Conversions with Influencer Content

Need to boost WordPress conversions?

Influencer content became a buzzword over the past few years. It’s popular because it works, but only if you use it well. Like any marketing technique, it takes effort to turn influencer content into actual conversions. A little planning and a long-term view can make all the difference.

Boost WordPress Conversions

Remember Who You’re Working With – Boost WordPress Conversions

Although you may have a contract with the influencer, like any marketing strategy, you must focus on the content’s audience. Before contacting any influencer, take some time to analyze their audience. Even if they focus on similar topics, the influencer may target a different demographic.

If your WordPress content caters to Millennial and Gen X start-ups, an influencer who primarily draws established small business owners from older generations won’t necessarily help your conversion rates. Look for clear ties to your existing conversion data. Everything from region to PC vs. Mac preference could influence your success.

Winning over the Influencer – Boost WordPress Conversions

Sometimes you may forget that influencers in any field are also business owners, they define and maintain their own brand. These are busy people, and they won’t work for free. Once you find your ideal influencer(s), plan your approach. A simple email asking for collaboration isn’t enough.

Influencers get dozens of these a day. Instead, emphasize what you have to offer. Are you paying the influencer for their time? How much time will you actually need? How will your partnership boost the influencer’s authority? Keep issues like branding and product competition in mind, too. This is a formal negotiation, so treat it like one.

Build Better Content – Boost WordPress Conversions

When you think of influencer content, stop following the “expert opinion interview” routine. While there is nothing intrinsically wrong with this kind of content, there’s nothing very memorable about it, either. Worse, many celebrities, including social media influencers, often use the same answers for multiple interviews. So, create something new.

Focus less on the influencer and more on what they have to offer. Gather influencer insights on popular online tools, specific marketing strategies, or any topic already popular on your own website. Turn those opinions into something unique. Build a graph, analyze insights across the board, and offer your audience more than they could get from any single influencer involved in the project.

Here are a few tools to help you build high conversion content in partnership with your influencers:

  1. Simple Grad & Writing Populist – These grammar sites help you spot minor errors that undermine your authority and professionalism before they reach your audience.
  2. UKWritings & Do My Assignment – A second pair of eyes goes a long way, and you really need a reliable editor for influencer content. These websites help you find top experts to make your work shine. They’re even recommended in UK Writings review.
  3. Writing Populist & My Writing Way – These blogs help with the nitty-gritty of good writing. You’ll find information on everything from picking a writing course to choosing between “to” and “too.”
  4. Paper Fellows & Big Assignments – Everyone makes mistakes, but that’s no reason to post them on your site. Ukservicesreviews suggests using these resources to hire proofreaders to clean up typos quickly.
  5. Academadvisor & Studydemic – These simple tools help you cite references and tally up your word count effortlessly.

Turn a Short Term Boost into Multiple Assets – Boost WordPress Conversions

Arguably the biggest problem with influencer content is its limited efficacy. It offers a short traffic boost, but it generally fails to make a long-term difference. That needs to change.

“Influencer marketing has evolved from one-shot expert opinions to long-term associations. The key to profiting from this shift is remodeling a single piece of content into a perennial asset,” says Lorenzo McIntire, influencer marketer from Essayroo.

The best way to create an asset like that is to collaborate with more than one influencer. Plan beyond the short-term boost. David Bain makes a perfect example. He created a book with insights from dozens of influencers, and he still offers it through his website. Before the book, he invited multiple influencers to offer a single tip on a live Facebook show.

The recorded event went onto his YouTube channel. Bain turned it into a podcast, too. It offered his business a long-term boost and lots of conversions. He won participating influencers over through prestige benefits. It cost the influencers very little, and it gave Bain’s business a huge boost.

Influencer content isn’t magic, but it is powerful.  Good, cooperative influencer content boosts your authority, provides wonderful lead generation, and leaves a lasting impact on conversation rates. Find the right influencers, create something new, and make sure you turn that content into a lasting asset.

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